Sunday, November 6, 2016

Week 13

Week 13 & 14- (Ended Nov 2nd)

So I'm falling behind again, but the good news is that the house is not! The framers have been working at a great pace and are enjoying the great weather.   We are roughly 3-4 weeks from having the house enclosed and start on window installation.

Baby Tate came for a visit with his parents (Lindsey & Shane Schrader)

Friday, October 21, 2016

Week 12

Oh my! So much has been going on!

Week 11 marked the completion of the flooring system and start of the vertical walls on the main floor. We also had some family visitors.

Week 12 started with appliance selection at Home Appliance. For most part we are going with the Kitchen Aide black stainless line. Work at the house site is continuing at a great pace.

I'm also working on the refinishing of the clawfoot tub. It's sitting sand blasted waiting for a new color.

So many to pick from!
Cheers until next time! HH

Friday, October 7, 2016

Week 10

This week we did not meet at out at the site, but progress was coming quickly every day. On Tuesday, I meet Trevor at Plumb Supply to pick faucets. I've done my home and had narrowed the selections to Delta & Grohe. Tina was very helpful. In the end, we are going with must Grohe faucets, with a couple Delta and one Kolher thrown in.

Then, surprise! Not only are there walls, but also the flooring system. Rooms are definitely talking shape and starting to have their own feel. The kids were in the car so I was quickly running around taking pictures. Can't wait to come back and spend some more time in the space!

Very from the back corner near David's room

Looking at Kathryn's room

Back view of the house
 Back view of the house and large retaining wall
 View out of Kathryn's room