Saturday, May 23, 2020

Ready to return to normal

After a touch and go Wednesday, I felt better on Thursday. That said, I had quite a bit of catching up to do at work. While our project backlog is tailing off quickly, it is a full court press to be looking for new project work to bring in. Kathryn's frequently saying, "really? Another call or video conference? Will they ever end?" 
David is quick, very quick, to volunteer activities other than school. He asks in a sweet voice acting very charming. How can I resist? 🤷 So there was no school Thursday...or Friday. The bees will have to wait until next week. June 4th is the last day of school and we are eager to get their teacher assignments for next year. On June 8th both kiddos will be heading to the school's summer program as I head back into the office.
In other news (as many of you have experienced), Kathryn is emailing. She still is doing some online virtual lessons and loves playing math games.
The cooking adventures continue and I think I figured out this pasta machine. Thursday was spaghetti from scratch with braised beef in a red sauce (also homemade). Sorry no more pictures of the dish. 

Bee Week Part 1

Kathryn's learning request this week was on bees. I don't have a lot of pictures because we relied on lots of online videos 🤷. My mom was eager to offer up a queen and bees to populate a give, but I not quite ready to take the plunge. We are into themed weeks of learning but that was going to be too much.
One benefit of being home is their growing desire to be more independent and helpful around the kitchen. This their own breakfast art/food. And yes, David made a mohawk for himself the night before after bath and was super excited it stayed!
This girl grows up each day and is so responsible! She has taken to our morning routine and this is her dressed and ready to go after making her bed (all without me even waking her!).
Day 3 picture of bee learning. 
Honestly the week was a bit tough and quite full. We got a call on Tuesday from David's ENT that his surgery to remove his eartube is now May 28th. They scheduled a flurry of appointments and two long pre-op calls. Lots of extra precautions during this time. Dad took him to his first appointment (4 hours after the first call to schedule) to see the surgeon. When the surgeon asked David to take off his mask, he asked "really?" 😂 David has been quite the trooper. Kathryn is quite worried and doesn't want him to hurt or get sick, so she has been saying lots of extra prayers for David.
On Wednesday I didn't feel the best that day, but made it thru best I could. These two really wanted to help. They made this plate of cucumbers all by themselves 🙌. Mom and Dad are proud. (Don't worry I feel completely fine, just an off day)

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Another quick weekend

Saturday seemed to go all too quickly. In the morning I got a solid 90 minutes of cleaning from the kids (Yippy)! We picked up lunch from Lion Bridge and headed to Grandma Deb's for a belated Mother's Day get together.
We had a great time and enjoyed catching up.
We then took an after hike and worked on finishing up Kathryn's Scout requirements for her Tiger badge. She has really enjoyed her first year of Scouting, but sad she can't finish with her Den in person.
Grandma gave them each a paint puzzle and they were eager to get started.
Our evening entertainment was a magic show put on by Kathryn. I'll try to post a link to the video. She did an excellent job to finish another scout unit.
Sunday marked her virtual Deb meeting. Only half the kids made it, but it was still good to hear what they have worked on and plan for next fall. She is looking forward to Wolf in the fall and David will join as a Lion!

Friday May 15

Last Friday wrapped up our bird unit. We used the opportunity from the storm to pick up sticks and make bird nest.
The kids were so excited! They made plans and make of where to find sticks and build their nest.
So happy to pull the wagon.
Stick collecting for their nests
Kathryn found a nest inside the playset. But no eggs or resident yet 
They built and added two more nest for the birdie resident to choose from. 
After a bit more classroom and office work, we spent late afternoon outside enjoying the nice weather.
This was quite bike parade and included lots of dancing too.
Almost 5
Almost 7
We finished the evening with a fire, s'mores, and a roasted apple!
So thankful!

Thursday, May 14, 2020

There is a rainbow at the end

Today's learning was mostly self directed as Mommy had lots of video conferences and a long call. That said we got in Bible study, birds, and David's kindergarten prep 
The bird lesson was on beaks and what birds eat. Here they made 'seed' and are using straws like beaks to eat. All their own creation.
Kathryn insisted on gnocchi tonight and I couldn't resist. Roasted potato gnocchi with artichokes and capers. She rolled all the gnocchi.
We had quite the light show tonight as it rained. At the end we got not only a full rainbow, but a double full rainbow! Feeling blessed ☺️

Wednesday, May 13, 2020

Birdie Wednesday

We are learning about birds this week. And look what's right outside our front door?
Davids journal about the nest
Kathryn working math
Her new favorite activity?
Sending emails🤣🤣 Too bad I can't let her do some of mine!

Tuesday, May 12, 2020


Today's big hit was a surprise present from Grandma Diane... binoculars. And we needed it.
(I should note David is really almost as tall as Kathryn. He is being silly in the picture)
Our unit this week is on birds, so these are perfect!
Kathryn was the first to bravely venture outside on her own. 
David couldn't resist and so joined the fun. 
Later my potsticker helpers were back. After steaming them, I seared them on each side (at John's request). They were even better.

Hope you are all doing well. We are all in need of rest. Kathryn and I have a dry cough and David is cranky. Nothing major, but I'm ready to get back to our (even more) happy days!

Monday, May 11, 2020

Mother's Day Weekend

I was so blessed to soak up more time with my special people. One non-documented picture is John's act of love in helping me cover our garden plants Friday night. It got down below 29. All covered plants all well :)
Hot tub time!
Dinner by Chef John (bread not pictured).
Mother's day started with a gourmet breakfast of chocolate donuts, bacon, and eggs. Sorry no pictures. We also forgot to open the champagne 🤦
Morning hugs and cards.
Craft time for Kathryn and David with Dad. These are some of my gifts!
Lunch! Mom's favorite 😍
The day was also filled with church, phone calls to family, crafts, lots of crafts, and games.
We made the headband

Hoping you all had a good weekend to reflect, remember, and thank the mom's in our lives. Hugs to you all❤️