Wednesday, June 3, 2020

Countdown Day 2

We are all a little excited. Can you tell?
Capturing memories and setting goals was the theme for today. Psalm 90:12
Kathryn had here last class Zoom. It was definitely a bittersweet goodbye. We find out her new class and teacher on Thursday.
This kid loves color by number. I also think his coloring skills have improved.
And quickly it seems, day 2 was over. That said, both kiddos lingered around all afternoon and continued to play in the office. It really is harder getting things done.
In the oppressive heat of the afternoon there was sprinkler time. But those pictures ended up not being appropriate to post. It was too much to change into swim suits!

Recap of our countdown - Day 3

Its final here. The start to the last week (days really) of school. It's been a huge blessing. Some many positive take aways, bit we are also ready to close this chapter of the school year.
In an effort to start cleaning out, I reset the room and had a packet on the board for each day. No more worksheets and binders this week.
The kids are really excited. Most of the activities are memory page books and cleaning out to end the year 
One area they have excelled is independence in the kitchen. Always enthusiastic, many times scary, but evidence they are growing and learning. Here Kathryn made Mac and cheese while I was on a call with our CEO.
Our tinny dancer also had her last night of dance. We got all dressed up to tape for the virtual recital.
David was so supportive that he also got dressed up fancy with his sister.
He picked all of this out himself. I love this kid.
Dancing silly together to end class.

Almost June

Saturday was a day mostly filled with work around the house and farm. The kids pitched in and helped earn by doing chores.
We did stop to watch the Dragon launch. David may or may not have been awake.
Four wheeling time

Another week has flown bye

Make shift fort in the living room. Lots of giggles. Hours of giggles. David claims he took a nap, but I'm not so sure.
Kathryn showing off her painted wooden puzzle. David's is some where in the pile of blankets.
We did school. Our collective commitment is waning. 
Kathryn's class didn't meet this week, but David got to see a few of his classmates on Zoom. The session was only about 15 minutes.
One evening we were entertained with another magic show. I really need to find a way to share videos.
On Thursday David had surgery to remove his right ear tube and a perincular sinus gland. After much prep, the surgery went really well.
It was a good excuse for extra snuggles, icees, and watching cartoons. Don't let this fool you. He was bouncing around like normal a few hours later.

Monday, June 1, 2020

Memorial Day Recap

This year we definitely missed out celebrating with family and at services. So instead of recapping our weekend, I'm instead remembering and treasuring past memories or Memorial Day and honoring those who served.

This captures our best memory of staying home Memorial Day weekend.