Well it was official yesterday, school is closed for the rest of the year. Both Kathryn and David have voluntary educational activities, but it's not how we thought the year would end. Our hearts go out to the seniors and students struggling in this time. Thankfully both Kathryn and David are fine and shouldn't experience any set backs for the next grade.
Even though it is Saturday, they requested morning worksheets. I worked this morning to catch up and get in my hours for the week.
Kathryn drew this picture of our family and David colored it!
They got a surprise visit from Shelby with Easter presents. It was great to catch up as we all missed each other.
A surprise for everyone. I caught them a 🐰!
The five other bunny siblings had run off (minus the one dead one). We let this one go in the brush along the fence line. John told me I'd be crazy to keep a bunny in quarantine!
new shirts from Shelby! Thank you!
Projects we the dad!
Model of the solar system.
Dad building a spray tractor
One BIG highlight is mail! 😍
Thank you to Luke, Grandma Diane & Grandpa Gary, Great Grandpa Turner, and Colton for the messages (today and this week) ! We all enjoyed reading them and will write back soon!
To celebrate space week we had a mini grad ceremony with an astronauts pledge. David was clear he doesn't want to be an astronaut but will work hard and fix things here on Earth. Kathryn is pretty interested. She's just not sure about the long trip to Mars.